Alternative to Revocation (ATR)
What they are and how we use them to beat revocations.
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Alternatives to Revocation
What they are and how we use them to beat revocations!
The term, “Alternative to Revocation” or “ATR” is used to describe options that may be more appropriate than revocation for those who violate their supervision rules. For example, in cases with individuals who have mental health issues, it may be wise to propose a well-researched, specific, community-based treatment program as a better means to correct offending behavior than revocation and prison time.
In some cases, the ATR may not be enough to convince the agent or Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) that revocation is unnecessary, but it may still help to greatly diminish the amount of time for which the ALJ sends the client back to prison.
We have found that mental health issues (which may actually be the
cause of the problem behavior) often go undetected, and/or untreated in
the criminal justice system. One way to tell if this may be happening,
is the individual usually has had all the standard treatment programs
available through the DOC, yet they keep getting in trouble, over and
over again. This kind of pattern usually tells us that there may be
something more going on, something driving the behavior.
In these types of cases, we argue that revocation is unwarranted and
inappropriate because this underlying mental health issue (driving the
behavior) has not yet been properly treated with the right kind of
treatment, and that treatment is available and best provided in the
community. We talk with a variety of doctors, nurses, and
community-based treatment facilities to find the most suitable and
effective program for the client’s particular diagnoses and treatment
We then craft a comprehensive, persuasive ATR proposal detailing the
specific program we have in mind, explaining why this would be a much
more effective and appropriate resolution than revocation would be.
In situations like these, it may be best to arrange for a diagnostic
mental health evaluation of the client. We then have a qualified,
diagnostic report backing our ATR proposal and proposed treatment plan.
But this is just one example of an ATR. A persuasive ATR doesn’t have to be about mental health issues.
It's Your Life.
Let us help you get back to it!
Although revocation proceedings are held in informal settings, preparing an effective defense is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. You need an experienced attorney who specializes in Alternatives to Revocation ATRs and knows the laws and procedures necessary to fight and win Probation Revocation Hearings. You need someone who can think outside the box! Probation Violation Attorney Sydne French will listen carefully to your side of things and give you an honest evaluation of your case. Contact our office to set up a free consultation with Sydne. She is ready to fight for your rights, so you can get back to your life!