How long can they hold someone in jail for a probation violation in Wisconsin?
People often ask how long they can hold someone in jail for a probation violation in Wisconsin. These types of probation holds are commonly referred

3 Surefire Ways to Lose a Revocation Hearing
To win at a revocation hearing, it’s all about preparation and timing. Here are three critical mistakes to avoid.

Can I watch a probation revocation hearing?
Family members of my clients often mistakenly believe they can watch the probation revocation hearing just like they can in a criminal case. Unfortunately, no

Release from jail before the final probation revocation hearing
It is highly unlikely for anyone to get released from jail before their final probation revocation hearing. It is not just a matter of resolving

Charges dropped but still being revoked?
Did you know your probation agent can still try to revoke you even if you get your criminal charges dropped, dismissed, or never even filed?

Holding Probation Agents Accountable: Delays providing sex offender treatment increase risk to reoffend
I think we can all agree that, generally speaking, failure to promptly provide sex offender treatment (SOT) to convicted sex offenders on probation increases the

About Sydne
“For the past 18 years, I’ve helped people beat their probation revocations, get ATRs, and get back home to their lives and to their loved ones!”